The Knowing Dark…
A meditation to bring you home, out of the darkness…
Top tip: I love to listen to A Calling to Home by Ann McDonald during this meditation…
Soften / breathing first into your heart space / feeling the warmth and love here, circling your beautiful heart / breathe slow and deep into your heart / hold that breath at the top, before you breathe out / and breathe in / hold / and breathe out
Soften further / feeling your body give in / held by the earth / sinking into softness / breathe deep now into your belly / feel the warmth and love flowing down through your body to your belly / softening, opening, slowing / with each breath, breathe deeper, hold for longer, release slower / hold that breath / breathe out / and breathe in / hold / and breathe out
You are safe and warm here / nurtured and nourished / a sisterhood of women with you / holding you / feel that holding / feel the safety and protection that they offer / you are safe here / you are enough here / you are loved
you are breathing warmth and light and love into your body / breathe / hold / breathe / soften / slow / breathe breathe / hold / breathe
I want you to imagine you’re standing by large rock, with an opening in it / just in front of you / it is dark inside but you know that it is safe / that you are safe / slowly you can start to walk into this cave, all the women here are with you / you are safe / you know the way in, and you know the way out / but the cave is welcoming, warm, a cocoon, a sanctuary
you walk slowly / the ground is warm and sandy underfoot / the walls and dry and soft to touch / the darkness feels inviting / a cloak of gentleness / a space to retreat to / keep walking through until you find a soft, open space to sit down / the ground welcomes you as you sink into it / breathe deeply in the cave for a moment / feel the sounds of this sacred space around you / feel into the darkness / feel its texture, its warmth, its infinite kindness, its earthy smells, its comforting silence
the dark cave is a sanctuary / there is nothing to do here, nowhere you need to go / sink into this beautiful soft womb space / alive, knowing and filled with wisdom / here, in the stillness, you can journey towards your centre
notice how the stillness feels / how are you sitting in your stillness / can you be present to what is arising ….
calm your breath / feel the completeness of the dark around you / stay with it / lean into it / stay in the cave / stay and remember that this is a place of safety for you / a place of knowing / of divine wisdom / it is a path back to yourself / stay with the healing dark
can you be present to what is arising / what is the dark telling you
all around you, the Earth is holding you / breathing love into this space / stay with the dark / remember the gifts of the dark / let go of wanting or not wanting / let go of ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’ / see not with your eyes / see with your heart / see with your body / see with your intuition
stay with the dark / what is there here for you / what does the darkness hold for you / just as you have closed your eyes, open your soul / let the cave’s loving darkness in / let the wisdom of this inner place slowly emerge / you don’t need to be afraid of what you find here / you are loved / you are enough / you are held here
let the silence, the stillness create space for discovery / for a return to wholeness / find those parts of yourself that may have got lost / surrender / find her within / as you soften into this fertile darkness, know that this is a place you can return to whenever you need to find clarity, awareness, wisdom….
…and notice again how the stillness feels / how are sitting in your stillness / can you be present to what is arising… stay with the dark / what is here / what does the darkness hold for you / stay with it
now…slowly…ever so slowly….you know that it is time to leave the cave….slowly, softly you stand / gracious and grateful / held and open / your feet take you softly back down the narrow path / along the sandy tread against the ancient walls of this rock / the darkness is around you, holding you still / slowly, ahead, there is light now, a glimmer, an opening, you keep the steady pace / holding this wisdom with you / treading gently / walking forward / from the darkness / into the soft light / emerging from the dark / slowly, gently, at your own pace…
what is arising / what needs to voiced?
now…only when you are ready….bring yourself slowly back to the room, and in your own time, open your eyes…