The magic in this moon
The Libra moon drives us towards balance, but more specifically, to what we want and need…
Libra shows us that, while we might want to sit on the fence, we simply cannot. It’s energy will ask us to swing the scales one way or another. And in so doing, what is made possible? In the same way that when we say yes to something, what do we say no to? And vice versa. Our choices make space for other things to grow. Our choices matter.
The Libran moon is also deeply connected with relationships, and crucially - the relationship with ourselves. We have to become to love of our lives, we must learn to put ourselves first. What do we seek in other relationships that we could be seeking within ourselves? Validation? Solidarity? Love? Kindness? Acceptance? Joy?
You will likely feel emotionally wobbly or insecure under this moon - unbalanced, swinging from one thing to another. Out of sorts. This is exactly as it should be. If you are unaligned with yourself, Libra pushes you to find solid ground and stability. To swing those scales to where they need to be.
“If your decisions are always based on other people, or made out of fear, that will feel especially obvious under this moon….this is when the compass of your heart shows you how you are giving your one precious life away. This is when you realise that your love for YOU needs to become greater than your desire to please others…being unaligned in this way will feel difficult…the magic in this moon is in allowing the scales to tip, to gently and lovingly release from your life all that keeps you out of balance and to invite in more of what you really want.”
(Kirsty Gallagher)